About Heat Trace Controls

Whether you are managing 1 circuit or 10,000, Chromalox offers best in class heat trace control solutions for industrial and commercial applications in ordinary or hazardous locations. Choose from industry leading thermostats, heat trace controllers, distribution systems or our powerful Supervisory Control Software to solve your most demanding heat trace application needs.

Heat Trace Product image: Intellitrace digital heat trace control panel
Industrial Heat Trace Controllers
(1 item)
ITC1 & ITC2 Digital Heat Trace Controllers
picture of a dts digital thermostat
Industrial Electronic Thermostats
(1 item)
DTS-HAZ Digital Thermostats
photo of a bulb and capillary
Industrial Mechanical Thermostats
(8 product(s))
RTBC-EP Bulb & Capillary Line Sensing Thermostats
RTAS-EP Ambient Sensing Thermostats
THL Direct Mount Freeze Protection Thermostats
THR Remote Mount Freeze Protection Thermostats
TXL Nema 7 Direct Mount Freeze Protection Thermostats
TXR NEMA 7 Remote Mount Freeze Protection Thermostats
DL Series with Integrated Controls
PIT Non-Indicating Thermostats
photo of a RBF sensor
Industrial Sensors
(3 product(s))
RBF Heat Trace or Pipe Sensor
RBF-HT Heat Trace Sensors
GIC-AMB Ambient Heat Trace Sensors
Photo of a ITLS control panel
Industrial Power Control Panels
(6 product(s))
ITAS & ITLS Ambient & Line Sensing Control Panels
Heat Trace Control Skid Systems
IntelliTrace™ Supervisory Heat Trace Control Software
FPAS, FPASM, & FPLSM Ambient & Line Sensing Monitoring Systems
RSP Remote Sensor Panels
ITAS & ITLS Hazardous Location Ambient & Line Sensing Control Panels