ChromaTrace™ Project Design Software

picture of a computer with chromatrace software on screen
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Designed for faster installation to reduce your labor time.

About the Product

Chromalox is building a reputation as the industry leader for technical support in markets like Oil & Gas, Chemical, Petrochemical, Power Generation, Building and Construction. Technical resources like our ChromaTrace design software, installation and training videos, industry application articles and white papers, help Chromalox fit our Temperature Management Solution to your specific application.

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ChromaTrace™ is a Windows based heat tracing system design software. The revised straight forward interface allows the user to generate a bill of material, heat loss calculations and electrical loads quickly and accurately. ChromaTrace™ performs the calculations and picks the appropriate Chromalox heat trace model, connection kits and temperature controls to satisfy the users' unique applications.

+  Visual tree structure for piping system layout and interconnection
+  Quick summary screen detailing number of lines, total pipe lengths and total operating load
+  Improved interface for access to calculated results and bills of material
+  Enhanced data handling via Microsoft Excel import and export functions
+  All calculations in compliance with the latest version of IEEE515
+  Enhanced reporting package with detailed export to Microsoft Excel and Word, or Adobe Acrobat PDF format
+  Line current and operating load tracking per circuit
+  One click sends your project design and bill material information to Chromalox for review and quotation request

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Chromalox heat trace solutions offer a safe, reliable and efficient way for freeze protection and process maintenance of pipes, valves, and tanks in the most extreme conditions.