Connectors & Fittings

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Connectors & Fittings

Chromalox provides a full complement of temperature sensor accessories to support your specific sensor application needs. From standard and mini Thermocouple and RTD's panel jacks and connectors to Thermocouple and RTD Extension Wire. We also offer a wide array of fittings and adaptors as well as rugged Thermowells to protect Thermocouples and RTD when used in extreme industrial environments. Most of our Sensor Accessories can be shipped from stock for immediate delivery.

BX Connector

Connectors, Fittings and Adapters.

CCF Compression Fittings for Thermostats & Sensors

Protects Thermostat Sensors in Suitable Corrosive Applications.  Seals Sensor Inserted Through a Tank, Pipe or Duct Wall.  Protective wells are used to enclose and protect the sensing device from some physical damage and corrosive liquids.  Compression fittings are used for sealing the aperture required for the sensor to penetrate the wall of pipe, tank or duct.

Connectors Standard & Sub-miniature Thermocouple & RTD

Connectors, Fittings and Adapters.

Quick Detach Adapters

Connectors, Fittings and Adapters.

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