Isopad IP-SM Silicone Heating Mats

Photo of Isopad IP-SM heaters

About Isopad IP-SM

Isopad IP-SM silicone heating mats for industrial use are selected where excellent flexibility and high-temperature resistance in thermal processes are needed. The processed silicones have good resistance to ozone, oxygen, weathering, ageing effects, bacterial and fungal attacks. They are also highly resistant to chemicals such as alcohol, acetylene, mineral oil, acids, glucose, and glues.

Heating mats customized to your specifications are available with a variety of options. Select from adhesive foil, thermal insulation, metal or composite backings, fixation methods, cutouts, and integrated temperature sensors and switches. We also offer preform designs for a perfect application fit. Please contact us for advice on the best options for your needs and customer technical specifications.

To achieve optimum surface temperatures the heating mats should be operated with Isopad or Chromalox temperature sensors and controllers.  Designs are available including plug-and-play ready or can be configured to your requirements. We also provide a standard range of heater mats. 

For more details or support, contact your local sales representative.

Product Features
  • Dielectric strength of heating blankets up to 4kV
  • Available in supply voltages up to 480 V AC
  • Blankets support surface loads up to 70 N/cm² (100 pf/in²)
  • Ingress protection level IP65 to IEC 60529
  • Standard manufacturing sizes 2000 x 950 mm
  • Oversizes up to 3000 mm (118 in) upon request
  • Operating temperature range +200°C (392°F) continuous
  • Blanket Surface temperature homogeneity ±8°C (± 14°F)

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Every heating challenge is unique. Chromalox Isopad offers the industry’s most comprehensive offering of component heaters and controls. Our experienced engineers will work with you to provide a complete thermal solution for your unique application.